First Student Worship Album

First Student Worship Album

We're all about raising up generations of hope carriers, and this is the heartbeat of WE ARE GEN HOPE!
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Bible Reading Plan

Bible Reading Plan

Book of Ephesians

This year as a church, we're reading through the New Testament one chapter a day.
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A Different Way Website

A Different Way Website

Find resources to help you live a different way.
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Soul Detox Experience

Soul Detox Experience

No matter where you’re at on your journey with Jesus, we want to be intentional about letting the Lord remove any toxins from our souls.
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Looking for Peace?

Looking for Peace?

Looking for some peace as we finish the summer? Listen to our spoken Scriptures track from Valley Creek Worship!
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Ready to Live Free?

Ready to Live Free?

What if we were all created to live a life of mental health - the way God designed it? A new course that changes how we all think about mental health.
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Songs Of Sacrifice

Songs Of Sacrifice

Worship Album

Listen & share Valley Creek Worship's newest album now!
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How to Make Decisions

How to Make Decisions

How do you go about making decisions? Check out our Unhurried series for some decision-making guardrails.
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How to Use ValleyCreek+

How to Use ValleyCreek+

3 Tips to Getting Started

ValleyCreek+ is a completely free tool to help you as you follow Jesus.
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