Epic Family Vision
Vision is the ability to see a preferred future.
- Read Proverbs 29:18 KJV and John 10:10 ESV. Does your vision for your family align with God’s vision for your family? If yes, how so? If not, what’s the difference?
- Read Joshua 24:23-26. What idols do you need to throw away? What next step can you take to move forward in obedience?
- Read Proverbs 16:9. As a Circle, write down your family vision based on God’s vision for your life. What are some values to support that vision?
Jesus, thank You for giving us a vision that leads to abundant and flourishing life. May we release our own vision and receive Your vision for our lives, which leads to kingdom culture flowing in and through our families.
- Visit valleycreek.org to stay up-to-date on our daily Bible reading plan, summer schedules, and more!
- Serve the City is a great way to be on mission as a Circle. Sign up at valleycreek.org/servethecity.