1. Community is building relationships to seek God together.
- How has your perspective of community changed?
- If pride and time are the two biggest reasons we resist community, how are pride and time keeping you from engaging with this community?
2. If you look at the premises for finding community, where are you? How are you moving from transactional community (above the line) to transformational community (below the line)? If you’re honest, why have you chosen to be part of this Circle?

3. Read Matthew 18:20 and Matthew 7:3-5. Being in a Circle doesn’t automatically mean you have community; it’s just one of the best ways to find it. How is this Circle shaping you, holding you accountable, and reminding you of what is good, true, and right?
4. When was the last time in our Circle that someone either spoke the truth in love, confessed sin, or was challenged or corrected in a loving way? If we have no examples of this, how is God inviting us to strengthen this Circle?
Reflect on your community at Valley Creek and take one step toward strengthening it this week.
Holy Spirit, help us be open to living in community with the family of Valley Creek.
- Access and implement the Leader Guide at
- In your attendance notes, add the responses to question #2.