Do You Like The Direction Your Life Is Going?


This week, we were reminded of the direction God is calling us as a church. Here’s a quick note on how to engage the Circle Guide this week:

  • If you were with us and in a Circle when this message was originally preached, then as you go through these questions, consider where you’ve grown and where you may have room to grow even more. How has your training plan been going?
  • If this is the first time you are hearing this message and going through these questions, now is a great time to start your journey of living a different way! What will your training plan look like this fall?


1. Read Mark 8:34-35. If we want to do the things Jesus did, we have to first do the things that Jesus did. Look at the things Jesus did in daily life. We all desire these things in some way. How are you trying to access them?

2. Read Matthew 11:28-30 and Matthew 6:33. Our lives are all centered around something or someone. How is your lifestyle shaping who you're becoming?

3. Read 1 Timothy 4:7-8. We can’t do on-the-spot what we haven’t practiced behind-the-scenes. What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about living a different way?


Read Psalms 25:4

  • Invitation is a way of Jesus. Who is one person you can invite to our Circle?
  • Pray together: Jesus, help me to be open to a different way.