Meditation, Part Three


Circle leaders, prayerfully consider which two or three questions to focus on with your Circle. In your attendance notes, please provide feedback to your conversation based on the questions you were led to discuss.

1. Read 1 John 2:5 (AMPC) and John 14:21. We love because God first loved us.

  • How have you been captivated by God’s love? 
  • How does your obedience to God’s Word reflect this love?

2. Read Jeremiah 23:29. Without God’s Word, we are filled with apathy and our hearts become hard. Pastor John shared his summary statement for what God has been doing in his life: “God has lit a fire in my soul that I must attend to.”

  • What are you attending to in your life?
  • What are some things you want God to burn up and break down?

3. Read Psalms 19:14 and 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. We are only able to think God’s thoughts if we know God’s Word. How will you arrange or rearrange your life to fill your mind with God’s Word?

4. Read Matthew 16:23. Worldly thinking is agreement with darkness and heavenly thinking is agreement with God. There isn’t a third option of "just thinking like a good person."

  • Which way of thinking are your thoughts aligned to? How do you know?
  • How are you inspired by your own thinking? If you aren’t, where is God inviting you to confess and repent?

5. Read John 5:39-40. How is God’s Word leading you to Jesus? If it’s not, what do you need to change or rearrange in your daily life?


  • Pick a passage
  • Keep it in front of you
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate it


Declare Psalm 23 out loud every day this week. You can download digital resources on ValleyCreek+.


Jesus, we pray that Your love captivates us, that we may know You through Your Word.