Tools & Treasures


We believe God has called Valley Creek Church to do five things in the next five years as Missional Move: Create the Future. A missional move is when someone takes their next step so someone else can take theirs.

  • Prayer Center
  • Training Center
  • Argyle Campus
  • University Campus
  • 7 Continent Strategy

We’re asking everyone to do three things to contribute:

  • Commit to Valley Creek as your church
  • Every person give above and beyond what you already give (sacrificially) over the next two years
  • Take one next step every year for the next five years


1. Read Psalms 92:12-14. The church is Jesus’ idea. Our view of Jesus determines our view of the church. What does your engagement with the church reveal to you about what you actually believe about Jesus? Are you committed to Valley Creek as your church? If so, how are you contributing to our family and our house?

2. Read Matthew 6:19-21,24.

  • Were you excited that we talked about money this weekend in church, and were you excited to come to Circle to discuss money? Why or why not?
  • Do you primarily see money as a tool and a test or treasure and trust? Why, and how so?
  • Where are you on the giving ladder? What will it look like for you to take one next step up?

3. Creating the future for someone else is the best way to build a future for yourself. Five years from now if you took at least one intentional next step a year, what could your soul look like? If you don’t, what might it look like?

4. Each way to contribute to this missional move is warfare against the gods of this world in our area: time, money, and self. Which of these three has the strongest hold on your life? Where does the Holy Spirit want to set you free? Will you let Him?

5. What are you the most afraid of in this invitation from God, and why? (1 John 4:18)


Jesus, help us design, dream, fund, build, and steward the future of Valley Creek. May this family be ready to respond by faith to Your invitation to create the future and come prepared to make a commitment on Sunday, March 2.