Pace of Grace


  1. Read Luke 10:25-34. What aspect of The Good Samaritan story stood out to you the most and why?

  2. Read Ephesians 4:7. Life-giving people receive and release the life of Jesus wherever they go. Busyness can be an obstacle that prevents us from living out this value. What are some adjustments you can make in your schedule, calendar, or even your thinking to help you align your life with this kingdom value?

  3. Read Luke 10:33-34 NLT. How will you slow down this week and prepare for the week ahead? If God has already put someone on your heart to reach out to over the next few weeks, how will you be intentional about walking in obedience to His prompting?


  • From now through December, there will be one challenge per week for us to practice getting outside of ourselves.
  • Here are some questions to help you to identify the “someone else’s” in your life: Who is someone you see everyday? Who is someone you sit next to at work or school? Who is someone you pray for regularly? Who is someone you serve with? Who is someone you know needs hope? Who is someone who carries hope to you? Who is someone you could invite to church next week? Who is someone you are grateful for?


God, we want to awaken to what You want to do in us and through us as we get outside of ourselves.


  • Hope on the Move: Groceries launches this week. Visit to sign up to serve or learn all the ways you can participate.
  • To learn more about the Young Adult Summer Internship, visit
  • When you submit attendance for your Circle, please share insight from your conversation around question #3 in the notes section.