Practicing Presence and Gratitude


Practicing Values:
We are passionate about the presence of God.
We live with a spirit of gratitude.


  1. Who did you connect with as we practiced being a family on mission? What was that experience like for you?
  2. As we wrote down our gratitude, what did you feel the Holy Spirit doing in you? Was that act of faith hard or easy for you? How so?
  3. Share your gratitude with one another; what are you grateful for in your life? What are you grateful for in your Circle?


​Matthew 7:24-27

Reflecting on the past holiday week and preparing for the upcoming holiday season, how can you keep practicing these values in your daily life? (Consider busyness, family gatherings, end-of-year preparation, etc., this season can bring.)


Jesus, thank you for your grace that leads us into a life of gratitude. May the culture of our hearts be filled with your presence and gratitude.