Redefining Success
- Read 1 Corinthians 3:5-8. Success is obedience not results.
- How have you been defining success in your life? Where do you need to shift from a worldly perspective to the kingdom reality of success?
- Read Psalms 51:16-17 and John 8:31.
- How is your life validating that you are a disciple of Jesus?
- If success in my life is obedience, then I am successful in ______________.
- Read Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 13:22. In what areas of your life are you praying for breakthrough, but have yet to see it? What does it look like for you to keep obeying what God says even if you don’t see the desired outcome?
- What questions has the Hope Carrier Initiative created in you? How are you processing those questions?
Jesus, help us to listen to hear, hear to obey, and with words and actions, rule and reign with You in the here and now.
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