We Have A Responsibility to Give What We Have Received


We have a responsibility to give what we have received.
We owe the world what God has done for us.


  1. In Jesus, we’ve all received salvation, sonship, and a family. But what has Jesus specifically given you? As you share that with your Circle, recognize that you are practicing what it looks like to give what you have received.
  2. The scars that put Jesus to death are the same scars that give us life. What hurts, pains, and situations in your life need to be submitted to Jesus so He can bring freedom and redemption to those parts of your story? What is one next step you can take?
  3. What did you receive from church this Sunday? How will you release that into the world this week?


Matthew 10:8 and 2 Timothy 2:2

As a disciple of Jesus, we are called to make disciples. Simply put, we receive from Jesus and then, we give it away. So, what is the Holy Spirit saying to you about discipleship through this value and these Scriptures?


Thank You, Jesus, for giving everything for us, so we can freely receive from You. Help us be a people who release what we have received for the glory of God and the good of others.


  • Who will you invite to experience Christmas at Valley Creek? Find all resources at valleycreek.org/christmas.
  • No Tuesday Night Prayer in January.
  • Save the date for RE, January 6-8. Find more details at valleycreek.org/re.