Resurrection Experience - Day 5
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Jesus, we’ll tell the world!
The death, burial, & resurrection of Jesus was the greatest moment in history. The supernatural love of God changed everything, but more importantly - It. Changed. You.
And now, we’re the stewards of the story. The carriers of hope. The power of the resurrection is meant to flow through our lives into the world around us. Imagine if someone you loved physically died, but then was restored back to life. You would tell everyone you know that story, wouldn’t you? Well, guess what? That’s YOUR story. You were spiritually dead & now, in Jesus, you have raised to new life. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you. Just like the women who first saw the resurrected Jesus couldn’t help but tell everyone that Hope was alive, our lives should point people to the Living Hope. One of the greatest ways we honor Jesus is simply by telling people who He is & what He’s done for US.
It’s time to tell the world!
PREPARE – Go outside, take a deep breath & remind yourself that Jesus is holding it ALL together.
DISCOVER – Read Matthew 28. What does the “Resurrected Jesus” ask us to do with our resurrected lives? What does that practically look like in your life?
RESPOND – Grab a journal & a pen. Take a few mins & write out your resurrection story. What’s your death to life story? Where did Jesus find you? How did He capture your heart? When did you start receiving His grace? How has that changed you? Who have you become? What did your life look like without Jesus? What does it now look like with Jesus? Take your time – this is your story! (Bonus - at some point, courageously share your WHOLE story with someone else!)
DECLARE – “Thank you Jesus for resurrecting me & giving me a brand new life!”
SHARE – Write down & share what you’ve experienced."