I Believe

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God is good, Jesus has forgiven me, I am loved, and everything is possible is the heart of the Gospel. Let these truths remind you that in Jesus there is always hope!

I believe God is good

And He is good to me

He is always with me, and He gives me everything I need

I can trust God, He created me, every part, so perfect and so good

God is full of life, full of love, and full of grace

God is good

And I believe Jesus has forgiven me, no matter what I’ve done

In Him, I have been set free and there’s nothing that can change that

I belong to God and only He gets to say who I am

So in Jesus, I am enough

I am worthy

And I am set apart

Jesus has forgiven me

And I believe I am loved, truly beloved

I was not meant to be alone

God offers me friendship

So now in Jesus, I am His kid

I am chosen

I am wanted

And I am fully known

God talks to me and I can hear His voice because I am filled with His Holy Spirit

I am loved

And I believe everything is possible

Because of Jesus, nothing can stand in my way

God has created me on purpose and with a purpose, to release His kingdom with Him

I am created to love God and to love others

In Jesus, I have hope, so I can carry hope to everyone around me

I can do the impossible, and I experience miracles

With Jesus, everything is possible